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The Goodwill Maps

Honouring brands & people helping local charities

We believe in leveraging the generosity of a few to inspire others to committ to philanthropy. To do this we created the Goodwill Maps as a way to honour brands & people spreading goodwill and helping local charities

For every person or brand that makes a donation or a sponsorship of a 100$ or more to any local charity through any goodwill wave is given a "token of appreciation" in the form of NFTs. These NFTs are digital representations of streets & landmarks in a given city. They are assigned randombly and based on Goowi's Impact Scale, which measures not only how much money is given but also how much goodwill is spread and how much awareness & engagement is generated. Think of it as Monopoly where to the more social impact a person or a brand makes, the more landmarks it gets.

Goowi's NFTs are minted in the Ethereum blockchain and parked at OpenSea.
They are collectible and limited, making them susceptible to grow in value over time. After all,
Giving has its Privileges.

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